What’s on my sale season wishlist
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I know I already did my Lust List for October, but sale season is approaching quickly, which means I’ve been holding off on some purchases that I really want. So far, I know of two confirmed sales-
- Sephora Friends & Family – like the last couple years, you have to actually know a Sephora employee to get the 20% off. If you can get someone to email you a code, the discount is 20% off and runs through October 30th.
- A few Ulta rewards members have said they got coupons this week for 10% off prestige brands and 20% off other stuff (fragrances and some brands are excluded). According to the coupon I got, it goes through November 2nd.
Aside from that, there are some sales that people are speculating about, based on previous years-
- Sephora usually does a VIB sale in early November, and then another promotion (like $15 off $50 purchase) after Thanksgiving.
- Nordstrom Mascara Madness, also in early November, which usually is buy 2/get 1 free mascara – I’ll probably take it as a chance to stock up.
I’m really hoping Sephora will do something special for Rouge members, but I haven’t heard any rumors yet, just a lot of “wouldn’t it be great if…” So far the only real perk of Rouge membership has been free shipping, so maybe they’ll finally send out some of those surprise gifts they mentioned in the promo material.
As for my wishlist…. For some reason holiday collections always seem to have plenty of stuff for me to drool over, and this year is no exception – I have a lot of holiday stuff on my list o’ things I’d like to buy (though realistically I won’t be getting all of it), plus some staples that I might as well get a bargain on.

Image courtesy of NARS Cosmetics
1. NARS Coeur Battant Blush ($29) – I don’t have a super-bright, super-cool-toned blush. This oversight must be corrected immediately.Right now it’s only available on the NARS website, but it should be in other stores/counters on November 1st.

I have to give honorable mentions to a couple of things from Ulta too – I probably won’t buy them because there are other things that will probably take priority, but they’re such good deals that I really kind of want them anyway.

Image courtesy of Ulta
Butter London Luxe Rock Set ($65) – it has 12 “fashion-size” (I assume that means mini) polishes – 10 colors, plus base and top coats. I haven’t been able find out exactly how much product is in there, but it’s a pretty good way to try out a bunch of their colors.

Image courtesy of Ulta
Lorac Rockin’ Red Hot PRO Set ($39) – Uhhhh, holy great deals Batman! I already have everything in the set, which is why I’m not buying it, but I’d snap it up in a second otherwise. The Lorac PRO palette (which includes an eye primer mini) is normally $42, so it’s already a little bit of a deal. By the time you throw in the eyeliner (which I’m very pleased with, by the way – it doesn’t budge) and use a coupon… it feels a little bit like stealing.
What’s on your wishlist this sale season? Leave a comment below to tell us what purchases you’re plotting! Or if you have any info on upcoming sales, feel free to tell us about that too.
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