Rumor: Hourglass Ambient Lighting Blush
A few days ago, someone on a forum linked to this event on the Sephora facebook page that mentions a new product from Hourglass – Ambient Lighting Blush.
Sadly, I’ve found zero more information about it – either they’re sitting tight on the details or Google is failing me utterly. Then earlier today Hourglass posted this from their twitter account:
That isn’t exactly confirmation of the blush, but it looks like new things are afoot in Ambient Lighting product family. I’m mildly obsessed with the powders, so I’m really excited about this despite the fact that I really have no idea what it is. (Warning: Speculation) Since they’re grouping it with the ALP’s and they already have a cheek stain, I’ve got my fingers crossed hard that this will be the Hourglass powder blush I’ve been longing for. Based on the Ambient Lighting Powders, I think Hourglass could do a stellar job with a blush that’s not matte but still doesn’t bat you over the head with shimmer. Assuming the Sephora events in Las Vegas coincide with the product launch, hopefully we won’t have too long to wait. I’d also guess that – like most other Hourglass products – the blushes (if that’s really what this is) will have a pricetag closer to the higher end of the spectrum. I’ve yet to come across a bad product from them, so I’m sure it will be worth checking out.
Have you heard any rumors about this yet? If you have, pleeeeeaaaasse tell me in the comments – I need to know immediately!
January 9, 2014 at 3:27 pmHere’s a pic that was taken down! :D
January 9, 2014 at 3:32 pmOhhhh, thank you so much! That looks beautiful – I can’t WAIT to get my hands on these.
January 9, 2014 at 3:48 pmI know right! It’ll be a while before those hit here I’m sure but they look intriguing!!