Weekend Reading #20
I think it may be time for me to officially swear off pants for the summer. I feel like we had about three weeks of spring here, and then BAM, 85 degrees and 70% humidity. Every day I’ve seriously felt like I was melting. So I’ve been leaning heavily on the few skirts and shorts I have that are work-appropriate, but it’s definitely time to go find some more to add to the rotation. Do I see a shopping trip in my future? It’ll have to be a TJ Maxx one though, because this week we took advantage of the Memorial Day sales to finally upgrade our almost-10-year-old mattress to one of the fancy space-foam ones (I know, we’re late to the party on this). We haven’t gotten a new bed yet, so I’m seriously considering doing a DIY headboard of some sort – maybe something like the one we had at the W Hotel a couple months ago (pictured above). Anyone know of a great tutorial for stuff like this?
Since skirt season (aka too-damn-hot-for-jeans season) is already here somehow, I’m turning my attention to body care stuff. I groaned audibly the first item I saw Jergens BB body lotion at the store, but Beauty Blitz seems to like it. Plus, something to make my legs the same color as the rest of my body probably isn’t a terrible plan.
Earlier this week I finally reviewed the YSL Couture Palette I picked up last month, but unfortunately nowhere around me has these in store yet. Silverkis swatched most of them for us though! As I suspected, Fauves (#2) is very high up there on my want list. If Saharienne is really one of the less pigmented ones – which I was very happy with the pigmentation, personally – then I can’t wait to see what the others are like!
I know summer just started, but new stuff is already on the horizon for fall. According to Huffington Post (via WWD) the Gucci cosmetic line we’ve been speculating about since forever is finally going to happen this year, with Charlotte Casiraghi as the face of the collection. British Beauty Blogger posted a promo image of the products on instagram, and I have to say I’m not a fan of the overzealous use of signature print on the packaging – but that doesn’t stop me from wanting to try them!
Another teaser from British Beauty Blogger is the Burberry Summer Showers collection. Rumor is it’ll have new lip and nail shades, and a brand new creme blush stick. No release date mentioned, but hopefully they’ve resolved their plague of manufacturing issues enough to get it out in a reasonable time frame.
I’ve recently been back on my quest to find my perfect under-eye concealer combo, and it turns out Tiffany from Will Work for Makeup is using one that I’ve been loving recently – Tarte Maracuja Creaseless Concealer. I’m still in need of a color corrector though, and since we agreed on Tarte, I went ahead and ordered the Armani Master Corrector, though I got the orange one. I can’t wait for it to get here!
If you have any good reads (or just want to lament your local weather too) – share in the comments!
May 31, 2014 at 10:27 amHi Nikki,
thank you for the link love! Yes, I saw your early review of Saharienne, and i’m so happy to find the rests even more pigmented when I swatched them! Can’t wait for the rest of the palettes to land! And yes, i saw those Gucci promo picts… need!!!