Things coming up
Just wanted to pop in and say, no, I have not abandoned you! I haven’t posted in a while – things to do, people to see, etc, etc. BUT – I have lots of things ticking away in my brain that I want to tell you about. Things I’m excited about, and that means I’m going to yammer at you about them. A small selection:
- Revamped Burberry eyeshadow formula
- My visit to the Bite Lip Lab (finally!) and to NYC in general
- Zapping your face with electricity (on purpose)
- My shopping list for Nordstrom mascara madness (don’t know the dates yet but it’s usually in early May)
- A boatload of reviews
Not necessarily in that order, but you get the idea. Soon, you guys. Soon.
Title photo by Jeff Kubina via flickr
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