Saturday Link Love: Season 2, Ep 17


Saturday Link Love: Season 2, Ep 17

This week has been rainy and dreary, and overall I’ve felt just a little bit blah. Thus my absence from twitter and instagram the last couple days – because I know you’re just sitting in front of your computer wearing out the F5 key waiting for me to post something new, right? :-) I’ve been testing out loads of new stuff lately, though, so I am excited about that! Lots of lip stuff, nail things, skincare, new eyeshadow – so be on the lookout for some reviews soon.

I’ve been on a little bit of a Rouge Bunny Rouge kick lately, after I finally got a chance to play with it in person last weekend. So it would only be right to point you toward some ladies who’ve swatched stuff that I didn’t get a chance to try, right? Shameless Fripperies has swatches of some additional eyeshadows and the Tanzanite Essence Quartz liner, plus a review of the Diaphanous powder. For another idea on how to wear the Tanzanite liner, you can also look to Mostly Sunny.

For more not-readily-available makeup goodness, you can see swatches of Wondegondigo‘s THREE blushes, which look gorgeous. I haven’t gotten a chance to try any THREE products yet, so I’ll continue living vicariously through Belly for all my Asian makeup needs!

And for another entry on the list of things you can’t have – the Suqqu S eyeshadow brush. It seems to be discontinued, but Sonia from Sweet Makeup Temptations has put together a long list of suggestions for substitutes (even if they aren’t quite dupes).

I’m always looking for new mascaras (whether I need them or not), and Sparkling Pink has a review of Diorshow New Look which has somehow flown completely under my radar. I’m going to have to look into this more, especially since the wand looks like it would be right up my alley.

I also discovered this week that Lipstick with Some Sunshine and I have pretty much the same nail care routine, even if some of the products are different. I can totally vouch for the Sally Hansen cuticle remover, that stuff is practically like magic. Now if I can only figure out a good way to remove the orange stains my last nail polish left behind….


If you saw or wrote any fun beauty posts this week, be sure to leave them in the comments so we’ll have more to read this weekend!

Title image by Robert Smallman


  1. Diana / SparklingPink

    May 4, 2014 at 4:00 pm

    You should def try the New Look mascara! I’ve really been enjoying it.

  2. Joyce (bronzerbunny)

    May 9, 2014 at 12:10 am

    I keep forgetting to try that sally hansen stuff. My cuticles are horrendous right now!

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